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Unscrambling the Teen Puzzle
Why does my sweet child suddenly change at times into a prickly porcupine?
Why is it that what used to work with her does not work anymore?
Why is he so rebellious and challenging of everything I say?
If these are issues you are starting to confront, join us for a workshop on the changes teens go through and what parents can do to help their teen through these changes.
Understanding my teen child through the Five Dimensions
Date: 12 April 2013
Time: 9.30am – 11.30am
Venue: Park Infinia Function Room, 2-6A Lincoln Road
Cost: $15 per person (light refreshments included)
Limited to 30 persons
To register: Email name & mobile number to
Queries: Doris (9337 7810) / Audrey (9227 3435)
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